Archive for children’s miracle network

Riding Trails & Dressing Up for Charity? Hellz Yeah!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on September 21, 2011 by princesswitchface

The hack stable where I used to work is located inside a state park.   This particular park has miles of decently-maintained trails & a camping area with a barn & full bathroom.  It sees a pretty good amount of equestrian use.  For years, my fellow trail guides & I would gaze longingly after the “Day Riders”, wishing that we were out there having fun on horses of our own rather than working with someone else’s.   We probably looked a bit creepy, but always hoped that our staring & talking & sometimes pointing was taken for what it was: the equivalent of kids who have to stay home & do chores enviously watching the other kids playing with the Best Toys Ever.

The worst pangs of jealousy (at least for me) were always caused by the occaisional big event.  Look at all the happy people and their pretty horses!  What a great time they must be having!  It must be awesome to be them!  One event in particular pained me the most.  The last couple Hallowe’ens have brought a big benefit trail ride, complete with a costume contest!

I love Hallowe’en.  I love playing dress-up.  I’ve only had the opportunity to enter one costume class with a horse: my first horse was a grey, so we went as “Death on a Pale Horse”.  I whipped up a big, flowing black robe for myself, & donned my scariest skull makeup (my giant black velvet early-90’s freshly-ASTM-certified helmet did a great job making my “hood” float creepily above my head).  I’d spent a lot of time desensitizing my Arab to having my billowy robe flapping around her in the wind… but it never occurred to me that the other horses in the class might not have ever seen such a thing.  We won for “scariest costume”.

But I digress.  For two years I’ve watched this fantastical event unfold practically in my back yard, with no way to participate.  This year?  Oh, baby!  It is ON!

I’ve already designed one costume in my head, & scrapped it ’till next year (not enough money to buy the materials, not enough time to put it together).  Currently in the planning stages of Costume II (shouldn’t be terribly expensive, but does involve a bit of craftiness… and I have a bad habit of over-estimating my crafting abilities.  We’ll see how it goes).  I’ve got tentative transportation for Miss Bitchface arranged, with a couple of possibly back-up plans if that falls through.  Miraculously, this is all happening on a Sunday (I work on Saturdays, but have Sundays off).


Oh, did I mention that this is a benefit thing?  The whole event is being staged to raise money for Greater Orlando Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.    Each rider has to donate at least $50 in order to participate.  I’ve already raised my minimum $50, but the charity is still way under their goal of $25,000… if anyone would like to sponsor me, you can do so here.  Or, hey… browse through the participants & sponsor somebody who hasn’t raised their $50, yet!  It’s all going to the same great cause.