Behold, my Amazing Princess Helmet!

The other day Behind The Bit Blog posted a link to Samshield Helmets website, which has a really fun widget that shows you what your fantastic custom helmet would look like.  Here’s mine:

Those are Swarovski crystals that it’s encrusted in.  Because there’s nothing more practical at a horse barn!  It also comes with my name imprinted on the harness… so I won’t get it mixed up w/ all the other black & pink Swarovski crystal-encrusted helmets laying around the barn where I board.

Note that my Samshield would cost 1,072 Euros… which is a bit over $1,400 US.  I think that’s a completely reasonable price for something that I’m going to have to replace in a few years, or the next time I fall off my horse.

Alas, I don’t have a spare $1,400, so I guess I’m stuck w/ my trusty Ovation Schooler… but I may have to glue plastic rhinestones to it, now.

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